Kết quả tìm kiếm "fuji"

Kết quả tìm kiếm tag "fuji".
Best places to admire Mount Fuji from afar in Japan
Mount Fuji is one of the most photographed mountains in the world. From picturesque lakes to sandy beaches, find the mountain’s good side from one of these top viewing spots.

An ultimate guide to Fujian cuisine of China
Fujian province is known for great seafood and soups and the precise use of scintillating but not tongue numbing spices. Fujian cuisine emphasizes colors, aroma, the blending of tastes and presentation, and special attention is paid to "aromas" and ...

The 8 great cuisines of China
There are many styles of cooking in China, but Chinese chefs have identified eight culinary traditions as the best. These have set the course of how Chinese cook food, and are looked to as models. Each of these schools has a distinct style and different strengths.

Getting to know Kawasaki in Japan
Located between Tokyo and Yokohama, Kawasaki is a large coastal city in Kanagawa Prefecture that stretches along the Tamagawa River. Kawasaki's city center lies near the heavily industrialized waterfront; however, the city becomes more and more suburban as you head ...

10 most beautiful national parks in Japan
Japan’s national parks often fall somewhat under the radar of visitors to its shores. Natural wonders and the plethora of incredible sights of its national parks will leave you astounded at the scenic beauty before your eyes.

Top Manga theme parks and museums in Japan
Manga slash Anime culture is one of the things that Japan takes pride in the most. It is also a major factor to attract tourists to Japan as the country owns many Manga cafes, especially theme parks with "kawaii" designs of their favourite characters.

Top places for a remarkable volcanic experience in Japan
From majestic Mount Fuji to an underwater volcano that formed a new island just last year, Japan’s 109 active volcanoes account for around 10 percent of all of the active volcanoes in the world.

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