The 8 great cuisines of China

11/03/2019   1.599  5/5 trong 2 rates 
The 8 great cuisines of China
There are many styles of cooking in China, but Chinese chefs have identified eight culinary traditions as the best. These have set the course of how Chinese cook food, and are looked to as models. Each of these schools has a distinct style and different strengths.

  • 1. Guangdong/ Cantonese Cuisine

    1. Guangdong/ Cantonese Cuisine1. Guangdong/ Cantonese Cuisine

    Cantonese food is the most popular style internationally. Cantonese cuisine originates from Guangdong Province and it is the most widely served style of Chinese cuisine in the world. Guangdong Province and Hong Kong are noted for fine seafood dishes and rice dishes. They eat a very wide variety of foods. The dishes they serve don't have strong flavors since it is lightly seasoned, and they often tend to be a little sweet.

  • 2. Sichuan Cuisine

    2. Sichuan Cuisine2. Sichuan Cuisine

    Sichuan province is the birthplace of many dishes that are well-received globally. Sichuan food originated from the Southwestern region of China, is the most widely served cuisine in China itself. The dishes of Sichuan cuisine are known for their deep and rich flavors, especially the taste of Sichuan pepper which is rare in other regional cuisines.

  • 3. Jiangsu Cuisine

    3. Jiangsu Cuisine3. Jiangsu Cuisine

    Jiangsu Province and China's biggest city, Shanghai, have a very refined gourmet cuisine that is often served at government banquets. Jiangsu cuisine is known to be elegant and subtle, refined in both flavor and presentation, as well as versatile and exquisite in knife work. From artistic cold dishes, decorative hot dishes, vegetable and fruit sculpturing, to deboning the animal without damaging the overall shape, the knife skill of Jiangsu cuisine chefs is clearly exquisite.

  • 4. Zhejiang Cuisine

    4. Zhejiang Cuisine4. Zhejiang Cuisine

    Zhejiang cuisine originates from the populous and rich eastern province of Zhejiang on the Pacific. Zhejiang cuisine is meticulous about selecting the right variety of ingredients when they are at the peak of their growing seasons to fully bring out the tenderness and crunchiness of the food. They focus more on serving fresh food. The food is often served raw or almost raw and is fresh and crispy and seasonal.

  • 5. Fujian Cuisine

    5. Fujian Cuisine5. Fujian Cuisine

    Fujian Province is known for great seafood and soups and the precise use of scintillating but not tongue numbing spices. Fujian cuisine emphasizes colors, aroma, the blending of tastes and presentation, and special attention is paid to "aromas" and "blending of tastes." It is known to be light but flavorful, mellow and rich, meaty, aromatic and light, with emphasis on the versatility of broths and soups, carving out its own place in the world of Chinese cuisine and gastronomy.

  • 6. Hunan Cuisine

    6. Hunan Cuisine6. Hunan Cuisine

    If you like Sichuan food, you'll probably like Hunan food too since it is even hotter. It is tastier and more delicious because they don't use peppercorn that numbs the mouth. Hunan cuisine features a complicated and delicate preparation process, a rich variety of ingredients and a kaleidoscopic range of tastes and diverse dishes and categories. It is known for affordability, the liberal use of oil, deep colors, fresh aromas, spiciness, and tender textures.

  • 7. Anhui Cuisine

    7. Anhui Cuisine7. Anhui Cuisine

    Anhui cuisine focuses on braising, stewing and steaming rather than frying with high temperatures and stir-frying. It emphasizes oil, colors and heat control. It follows the practice of applying the principles of traditional Chinese medicine to dietary choices, a feature that differentiates Anhui cuisine from other cuisines.

  • 8. Shandong Cuisine

    8. Shandong Cuisine8. Shandong Cuisine

    Shandong people like spices in the onion family such as green onions and garlic. They include onions in many dishes. Shandong cuisine emphasizes quality ingredients, using salt to bring out an umami flavor and soup to reinforce it. As far as seasoning is concerned, the pure, salty and fresh taste is most valued, paying full respect for the original flavors of the ingredients. Most dishes use spring onion, ginger and garlic to highlight the flavors.

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Nhu Dang

Nhu Dang

is member from: 22/08/2018, has 540 posts


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