10 tips you should know before visiting Bali

18/12/2019   1.178  4.17/5 trong 3 rates 
10 tips you should know before visiting Bali
Bali is a budget backpacker paradise. It’s one of the most popular destinations in Indonesia and a hub for travelers, yoga lovers, honeymooners, and digital nomads alike. From navigating the crowds to being monkey-savvy, there are a few tricks to getting the best out of a trip to Bali.

  • 1. Be Cautious of Wild and Stray Animals

    1. Be Cautious of Wild and Stray Animals1. Be Cautious of Wild and Stray Animals

    Give wild and stray animals a wide berth. They may look cute, but rabies and other diseases are serious risks in Bali and monkeys are notorious for their thieving ways. Bali’s stray dogs are numerous, and often in pretty bad shape. If you’re keen to make a difference, consider making a ‘doggy donation’ to Bali Dog Refuge which helps to rescue and rehabilitate the island’s stray pups.

  • 2. Dress for The Occasion

    2. Dress for The Occasion2. Dress for The Occasion

    Beachwear doesn’t always cut it in Bali – many higher-end bars, restaurants and clubs enforce a dress code. If you’re unsure, call ahead to save the potential embarrassment of being turned away.

  • 3. Respect Religious Customs

    3. Respect Religious Customs3. Respect Religious Customs

    Religion rules the roost in Bali. Don’t get your knickers in a knot when a street is blocked off for a ceremony or your driver pulls over mid-trip to make a blessing – this is all part of the magic of the island. Plan accordingly if your travel dates fall on Nyepi when everything in Bali (even the airport) shuts down for the day, and always dress modestly (covering the shoulders and knees) and conduct yourself appropriately when visiting temples and holy sites.

  • 4. Prepare for a Mixed Bag of Price Tags

    4. Prepare for a Mixed Bag of Price Tags4. Prepare for a Mixed Bag of Price Tags

    It’s still possible to visit Bali on a shoestring by staying in guesthouses, dining at warungs and shopping at local markets, but you can just as easily blow your life savings as drinks, meals, spa treatments and room rates at high-end establishments are priced similarly to that in Australia, the UK and the US. Look out for online discounts and happy hour deals to keep your bank balance happy.

  • 5. Avoid Plastic Water Bottles

    5. Avoid Plastic Water Bottles5. Avoid Plastic Water Bottles

    Bali’s heat and humidity call for constant hydration, but consider the environment before purchasing another bottled drink. An estimated three million plastic bottles are discarded in Bali each month; help reduce this figure by investing in a stainless steel bottle that you can refill; most good cafes and restaurants have a water filter available that you can use for free or for a small fee. Earth Café in Seminyak has stainless steel bottles available for purchase.

  • 6. Remember that Low Season Often Means Rainy Season

    6. Remember that Low Season Often Means Rainy Season6. Remember that Low Season Often Means Rainy Season

    Be mindful of Bali’s rainy season (January to April and October to November) when planning your trip. Discounts can be great, but if you end up spending your holiday cooped up indoors, you may be left wondering if making the trip was worth it. Fortunately, the rains are often limited to brief afternoon downpours, so your holiday isn't likely to be a total write-off.

  • 7. Be Mindful of Mother Nature

    7. Be Mindful of Mother Nature7. Be Mindful of Mother Nature

    Bali's volcanoes are highly active and can have minor to very serious impacts on flights, hotel stays or movement throughout the country. Keep a close on travel advisories.

  • 8. Play by The Rules

    8. Play by The Rules8. Play by The Rules

    The Indonesian legal system may seem confusing and contradictory, but it's best not argue with police if you are accused of an infringement that may feel unjust, and pay ‘fines’ with good grace. Do not expect any special treatment for being a foreigner, and it goes without saying that having anything to do with drugs is a very bad idea.

  • 9. Bargain Respectfully

    9. Bargain Respectfully9. Bargain Respectfully

    You can bargain for many items and services in Bali, but do so respectfully and with a smile on your face. You’ll know when the vendor has reached their limit, and at that point don’t push it. When in doubt, walk away – if the seller doesn’t come after you, you can be sure they aren’t prepared to drop their price any lower.

  • 10. Respect the Ocean

    10. Respect the Ocean10. Respect the Ocean

    Even if you’re an avid beach-goer and surf worshipper, Bali's powerful waves, strong currents and exposed rocks can be treacherous, so take care, and don't swim alone unless you are completely confident in doing so. Show equal respect for the beach by not leaving any garbage (including cigarette butts) behind – when the tide comes in, it'll be sucked into the ocean at great cost to the marine ecosystem.

Source lonelyplanet

The poster

Xuân Đào

Xuân Đào

is member from: 26/11/2019, has 195 posts


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