4 most popular beaches in Vung Tau

20/11/2018   1.863  3.58/5 trong 6 rates 
4 most popular beaches in Vung Tau
Speaking of Vung Tau, most people would immediately think of its white sandy beaches. Being the neighbor of Ho Chi Minh City, Vung Tau is always a popular destination of the Saigonese to have a quick weekend getaway full of vitamin-sea.

  • Front Beach (Tam Duong Beach)

    Front Beach (Tam Duong Beach)Front Beach (Tam Duong Beach)

    Front Beach is located between Small and Large mountains in Vung Tau City. It is also called Tam Duong Beach which means "Finding the Sun". Front Beach looks like a half of the Moon leaning against mainland with Tuong Ky and Tao Phung mountains located in the front and the back.

    Many coconut-palms are grown along the beach, that's why it was formerly called Bay of Coconut-palm. The coconut-palms have been decreasing and there are more malabar almond trees at the moment. There is a park with a lot of flowers below the shadows of trees so that tourists can take a deep breath and hear the sound of waves at the same time.

    New hotels near the Front Beach let the scenery have a modern beauty. At night, Tran Phu and Quang Trung streets are bright. On top of multi-storey buildings, coffee bars illuminated by coloured lights and boats anchored offshore with pervasive light create a charming beauty at night.

  • Back Beach (Thuy Van Beach)

    Back Beach (Thuy Van Beach)Back Beach (Thuy Van Beach)

    Located in south-east of Vung Tau City, Back Beach is over 8km-long from the foot of Small Mountain to Lap Mouth. It's one of the biggest and most beautiful beaches in Viet Nam

    Also known as Thuy Van Beach, the Back Beach leans against white sand-dunes and immense casuarina forest. Everytime a light wind blows, the tiny casuarina foliages sing a song. Below the casuarina forest, there are some comfortable wood guest-houses designed according to style of the Central Highlands communal house. The sea surface of Back Beach is calm in the south wind season but rough in the north wind season. With the fresh air, charming scenery, the Back Beach will make tourists feel easy after hard working-days.

  • Mulberry Beach (Bai Dau)

    Mulberry Beach (Bai Dau)Mulberry Beach (Bai Dau)

    Mulberry Beach lies at the west of Large Mountain in Vung Tau City. From Front Beach, strolling along Tran Phu Street and passing White Villa about 3km, tourists will reach the Mulberry Beach. The beach was formerly called Rattan Pond because there are many wild rattans here. The Mulberry Beach is out of the wind and its waves are very calm. There are many cliffs jutting out into the sea in the beginning and the end of the beach.

    The foot of Large Mountain in the Mulberry Beach is close to the sea. The 30m-high Virgin statue and several white villas are prominent among the blue sea and green forest.The Mulberry Beach is a popular beach with those who appreciate its calmness, cleanness and beauty.

  • Pineapple Beach (Bai Dua)

    Pineapple Beach (Bai Dua)Pineapple Beach (Bai Dua)

    Pineapple Beach is situated between Front Beach and Back Beach at the foot of Small Mountain, near Nghinh Phong Cape. There used to be numerous wild pineapples that grew on the rocky shore, which is why the beach is called the Pineapple Beach. The Pineapple Beach is one of the beautiful beaches attracting a lot of tourists with romantic and peaceful scenery. The sea here crash into the mountain gorge to create many small and calm pools of water.

    Along Ha Long Street, there are many comfortable hotels, villas and pagodas looking mystical on the mountain slope in the Pineapple Beach. Resting and relaxing here will make tourists feel free and easy after stressful working-days.

Source: vietnamtourism

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