The interesting museums to visit in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

24/02/2020   1.103  3.83/5 trong 3 rates 
The interesting museums to visit in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Yogyakarta or Jogjakarta is considered as Java’s soul and the main artistic hub of the island. The word ‘Jogja’ translates into ‘the never-ending Asia’ due to the endless appeals of this place.

Note down this list of top Yogyakarta museums and get ready to take a plunge in the history of this place. Entertain yourself by exploring the creative and contemporary museums along with the traditional ones.
  • Biology Museum Yogyakarta

    Biology Museum YogyakartaBiology Museum Yogyakarta

    Biology Museum Yogyakarta is very suitable to serve as a medium for learning, education, and improving knowledge about the existing flora and fauna. The collections include various preserved flora and fauna species. Most of them are Indonesian flora and fauna. Still, a number of collections granted by researchers from foreign countries are also included.

  • Yogyakarta Batik Museum

    Yogyakarta Batik MuseumYogyakarta Batik Museum

    Yogyakarta Batik Museum can be easily found on Dr. Sutomo Street in the city of Yogyakarta. If you are planning to visit Yogyakarta any time soon then you must visit the Batik Museum as it will give you some knowledge about it. It now has a collection of more than 1,200 ideas of batik. This place is perfect for an artist as they will get to know what fabric, color, and equipment to use.

  • Sonobudoyo Museum

    Sonobudoyo MuseumSonobudoyo Museum

    This is the second most complete museum after National Museum of Indonesia in Jakarta. It has 62,661 collections including collections of geology, biology, ethnography, archeology, art, and many more. Not just showing Javanese culture, but also Balinese, Maduranese, and Lomboknese. Here, you will go to 12 rooms filled with collections of wayang, kris to codices.

  • Affandi Museum

    Affandi MuseumAffandi Museum

    Affandi was a very famous world maestro of contemporary painting. His works, mostly paintings, are neatly displayed in the museum gallery that used to be his residence. The exhibited heritage includes not only paintings but also other legacies such as the car he used to drive. In addition, the museum also includes other works from his family and colleagues. The unique shape of the building and the beautiful atmosphere become the special attraction of the museum, which is on the banks of the Gajah Wong River.

  • Fort Vredeburg Museum

    Fort Vredeburg MuseumFort Vredeburg Museum

    Tucked in the heart of the Jogja city, the Fort Vredeburg Museum was earlier a fortress with the name Rustenburg Fort that was built in the Dutch style. It was once used by the troops for wars and attacks and later was converted into a museum to keep artifacts from the history of Indonesia. The photographs and uniforms in the display well up the patriotic feelings in the locals.

  • Ullen Sentalu Museum

    Ullen Sentalu MuseumUllen Sentalu Museum

    Looking for a cool, beautiful, and natural museum atmosphere? You can stop by at Ullen Sentalu Museum. Various forms of Javanese culture, particularly those related to the royal family, are displayed here. With its unique architecture of building and interior combined with the shady natural atmosphere, Ullen Sentalu Museum is capable of offering a fun museum atmosphere unlike other museum in general.

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