What to do in Takeo, Cambodia

08/01/2019   1.480  4.85/5 trong 39 rates 
What to do in Takeo, Cambodia
Takeo is a relatively small town that is easily explored by foot in less than 60 minutes. But it is well worth an overnight stay if planning to visit nearby sites like Angkor Borei and Phnom Da.

For the traveler on the Cambodia package holiday staying overnight in town, the waterfront promenade is a perfect place to relax in the early morning or late afternoon to watch the sunrise or sunset.
  • Phnom Da

    Phnom DaPhnom Da

    Phnom Da is a hilltop sanctuary and gives visitors a chance to explore a pre-Angkor temple. It is best visited on a scenic tour by boat from nearby Takeo town although it is also an easy drive from Phnom Penh. This gives a perfect opportunity to see the local rural Cambodian countryside.

    The pre-Angkor temple is in a quite ruined state but a trek to the top of the hill (nearly 1000 steps) makes it possible to view the local surroundings, including the rice fields and floodplain to Vietnam. The path that leads to the top of the mountain can vary in relation to difficulty and fitness level with a choice of climbing the 1000 steps, hiking up a steep path, or tramping through the forest. The ability to travel to Phnom Da on the Indochina tour packages can vary with the time of season. In the rainy season, this hilltop sanctuary is only accessible by boat, while in the dry season there is also the option to arrive by road.

  • Angkor Borie

    Angkor BorieAngkor Borie

    Angkor Borie is a town in the area of several ruins and archaeological digs. The area contains artifacts dating from the Funan (4th/5th century) and Water Chenla (8th century) as well as the later Angkorian period. The prasat ruins on top of nearby Phnom Da are 11th century Angkorian. There is a smalll museum in the town.

  • Phnom Bayong

    Phnom BayongPhnom Bayong

    Affording breathtaking views of Vietnam’s pancake-flat Mekong Delta, the cliff-ringed summit of Phnom Bayong (313m) is graced by a 7th-century Chenla temple built to celebrate a victory over Funan. The linga (phallic symbol) originally in the inner chamber is now in Paris’ Musée Guimet, but a number of flora- and fauna-themed bas-relief panels can still be seen, for example on the lintels of the three false doorways, and carved into the brickwork.

  • Chruos Phaork

    Chruos PhaorkChruos Phaork

    Chruos Phaork, Takeo is one of the well-known nature and wildlife preserves in Cambodia. This serene and beautiful preserve is situated in the Pou Village in Preah Bat Choan Chum Commune. Chruos Phaork, Takeo is in fact located in the Kiri ong District which, in general, boasts of grand sceneries and lovely foliage.

    Chruos Phaork, Takeo is the perfect example of a well-balanced bio-diversity. Flora and fauna live here in a kind of symbiosis. The tourists who have been to Chruos Phaork in Takeo love to come back and those who have not undertaken the journey should do so. If you are in Takeo then you cannot afford to miss the Chruos Phaork.

  • Psar Nat

    Psar NatPsar Nat

    The food court here has a dozen stalls that are great for breakfast soup, num kong (delectably chewy Khmer doughnuts) and num kroch (fried dumplings filled with beans and palm sugar). Closing time is approximate.

  • Phnom Ta Mao (Zoo)

    Phnom Ta Mao (Zoo)Phnom Ta Mao (Zoo)

    Phnom Ta Mao (Zoo) is located in Tro Pang Sap village, Tro Pang Sap commune, Ba Ti District, Takeo province. Phnom Ta Mao can be accessible by the National Road No 2 in 40-kilometre distance from Phnom Penh. Then turning right more five kilometers by a trail, it takes 45-minute drive from Phnom Penh.

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